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For those dates that fall on a weekend no data is available.
Dividend Data: These figures reflect actual dividends; they have not been adjusted for subsequent stock splits.
The "ex" date is established by the New York Stock Exchange and applies only to trades on the New York Stock Exchange. "Ex" means "without." The buyer of an ex-dividend stock is not entitled to the next dividend payment. For example, assume that a dividend is declared payable to stockholders of record on a given Friday. As current practice allows two business days for delivery of stock in a regular transaction on the NYSE, the Exchange would declare the stock "ex-dividend" as of the opening of the market on the preceding Thursday. Anyone who bought it on or after that Thursday would not be entitled to that dividend. The seller of the stock would receive it.
However, in a stock split, the NYSE may defer declaring the stock "ex-distribution" (sold without the additional stock) until after the payment date.
View data from:
2009 - 2011
2006 -2008
2003 - 2005
2000 - 2002
1997 - 1999
1994 - 1996
1991 - 1993
1988 - 1990
1985 - 1987
1982 - 1984
1979 - 1981
1976 - 1978
1973 - 1975
1970 - 1972
1967 - 1969
1964 - 1966
1961 - 1963
1958 - 1960
1956 - 1957
1954 - 1955
1949 - 1953
1937 - 1948
In each of the splits shown above, new certificates were issued for the additional shares and sent by the transfer agent to the registered shareholders. Fractional share certificates are not issued. In the 3 for 2 splits, a shareholder who had an odd number of shares before the split was sent a check for the value of one half of a share.
Boeing is followed by a number of industry analysts, including the analysts listed below in alphabetical order by firm. Please note that any opinions, estimates, or forecasts regarding Boeing’s performance made by these analysts are theirs alone and do not represent opinions, forecasts, or predictions of Boeing or its management. Boeing does not by listing these analysts below imply its endorsement of or concurrence with such information, conclusions, or recommendations. This list is subject to change as firms add or delete coverage of Boeing, and Boeing has no obligation to maintain or update this list.