Q4 2015 The Boeing Company Earnings Conference Call

January 27, 2016 01:00 PM EST

The call to discuss The Boeing Company’s fourth-quarter consolidated results was originally scheduled to occur on Wednesday, January 27, 2016 at 10:30am ET. However, due to technical difficulties with the webcast provider, the call was interrupted and later rescheduled. You can hear the digitized replay of the original call, which consists solely of prepared remarks which were repeated at the subsequent call, by dialing the following:

Telephone: (USA) (800) 475-6701 (International) (320) 365-3844 Access Code: 381609

The Boeing Company restarted its fourth-quarter earnings conference call at 1:00pm ET on January 27, 2016. You can hear the complete digitized replay of this call by dialing the following:

Telephone: (USA) (800) 475-6701 (International) (320) 365-3844 Access Code: 385237

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